Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mini Viva - Left My Heart In Tokyo

British production house Xenomania have an onslaught of bands/artists releasing this year, with some being fairly questionable -- Jessie Malakouti is way too camp and Vagabond way too serious. A "rock" band? Really Xenomania? Sexy, no no no.

However, female duo Mini Viva make up for these other future flopstars that Brian Higgins & co. are tinkering around with. Mini Viva seem to be following a direction far more reminiscent of favorite Xenomania failures Frank and Mania. Considering their MySpace promises "neat beats and musical treats," this could be a win, people.

"Left My Heart In Tokyo" is the first offering from the girls, in the form of a Treasure Fingers remix. Beware of the insanely addictive second verse.

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